The Year Of The Rooster: What Does It Mean?

year of the rooster

The year of the rooster can be a very scary time for many Chinese people. Some people refer to it as the "Pigs Who Ran Into a Road", but I think that is an over generalization. The Rooster can be a symbol of many things to different cultures. For many years it was used to represent ambition and hard work. If you remember watching westerns with John Wayne you probably had a Rooster sitting on the sofa. In China this is referred to as the "Ruber" which means Rough, Ready, or pumpkin.


The Rooster really has no more meaning in Chinese culture than any other Rooster does. The Rooster is really the tenth of the twelve-year cycle of all animals that appear in the Chinese lunar calendar, symbolizing the slow advance of the birth. The year of the rooster also represents the Earthly branch of the Yang family of elements. In the Chinese astrology, it symbolizes the blood type of a person. The Rooster symbolizes strength, vitality, steadfastness, and high standards.


Chinese roosters are known to be independent, bold, and loyal, but these characteristics can also apply to humans. Roosters can be very devoted friends who may find it difficult to put limits on their own desires and needs. A dedicated friend may find it difficult to establish realistic expectations between themselves and their Rooster. When they are together Roosters will be confident and self-assured, but when Roosters separate they will become cautious and introverted.

The Year Of The Rooster: What Does It Mean?


In the Chinese calendar, the year starts with the Spring Festival and finishes with the Autumn Festival. The Chinese name for the month of January is "xi" and the name for the month of February is "nu" which literally means "and spring." Some people believe that the rooster in a Chinese calendar is an ox and that ox signifies new life.


There are different interpretations of how the Chinese believe the rooster can bring good luck. According to one myth, the rooster always appears at the beginning of every twelve years and when it appears for the first time; a new vineyard will be established. Another belief about the rooster and good luck is that if you place a coin on the rooster's chest when it appears it will cause twelve good years to pass. This is believed to be because the coin triggers the ox to pull itself away from the straw mattress where it lives and set up a new life in the fields.


Chinese people place a lot of importance on the Chinese Year of the Rooster and other symbols of different zodiac signs. They base their birth dates and time of birth on the appearance of the different animals and some of these animals are the dragon, the snake, the horse, the eagle, the sheep, and the pig. The color of each animal also has a meaning. For example, a red dragon is considered to be a force of destruction, while an eagle is thought to be an eye for sight.


The Chinese believe that the year of the rooster symbolizes prosperity for the coming year. It is said that spring will arrive in the first two months of this new year and that the water dragon will be born in the third month. People who follow Chinese astrology believe that the fire rooster can foretell the future and that he will appear in numbers which correspond with the numbers of good things that happen to a person during this time. If you use the Chinese astrology sign to determine the date of your birth, you can include the number of months corresponding to the Chinese year of the rooster. For example, if your birth date falls in the second month of the Chinese year of the rooster, you will get the symbol for the fire rooster as your birthday gift.


Finally, the Chinese believe that the year of the rooster can foretell the direction of a person's growth. This is because a baby that comes out from the womb is known as a baby that is destined to grow up to become a leader. The Chinese believe that in the twelve-year-cycle of an animal's life, the first year is when it is born, the second year is its growth, the third year is its maturity, the fourth year is its death, and then the fifth year sees the rebirth into another animal. Thus, the twelve-year-cycle is considered to be the time when a person will reach his/her maturity, get married, bear a child, and finally have another baby.

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